2023 to 2024: Old Year, New Year

Looking back on 2023 and ahead to 2024 in my reading, my writing, and my publishing.

by Carl Bettis

in Books

Looking back on 2023 and ahead to 2024 in my reading, my writing, and my publishing.

This blog entry is part of the 32-Bit Cafe 2023 Holiday Event.
32 Bit Cafe holidays

Reading: Looking Back

Here's my 2023 year in reading according to StoryGraph:

A spread of book covers, 4 columns by 16 rows. The 16th row has 3 covers instead of 4, for a total of 63 books.

The figures above don't count non-book reading, such as magazines and newsletters.


I'm not doing a "best of" here, but these are some of the books that particularly held my interest and perhaps changed me in 2023.

Reading: Looking Ahead

I don't have a goal for number of books to read in 2024. I plan to tackle some long books, some dense books, and some that are both. Probably my reading will include a lot of horror, maybe more classics than in the past couple of years, and such specific authors/works as Kenneth Patchen, Virginia Woolf, Stephen Graham Jones, Comte de Lautréamont's Les Chants de Maldoror, Kazuo Umezz's Orochi, and Emily Wilson's translation of Homer's Iliad.

Writing: Looking Back

As usual, I (and my heteronyms) produced a poem a day for NaPoWriMo.

As usual, I started, then abandoned, a novel manuscript.

I had a poem published in Issue 29 of Thorny Locust.

I had a poem published in the Fall 2023 issue of Ribbons, the journal of the Tanka Society of America.

I had a flash fiction accepted by Bright Flash Literary Review (published January 4th 2024).

Writing: Looking Ahead

I have the start of a new horror novel, and am scheming to make myself accountable for finishing it, however badly. Working title: Lazzy Come Home.

One of my heteronyms, Basil Cartryte, has started work on a short collection of poetry.

I'm working on a full-length poetry collection of my own.

I've volunteered to help edit a charity poetry anthology.

I've resolved to send out some sort of submission at least once a month.

Perhaps I overestimate my reserves of energy and the number of hours in a day.

Publishing: Looking Back

For my free tiny frights zine:

Publishing: Looking Ahead

Still talking about tiny frights:

Happy New Year!